Data on immigrant integration policies of Italian regions, Spanish autonomous communities and German Länder:
If you use the data, please cite the following article: Zuber, Christina I. 2019. Explaining the immigrant integration laws of German, Italian and Spanish regions: Sub-state nationalism and multi-level party politics. Regional Studies. Online first. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2019.1599845. Accepted preprint.
Replication files including codings of the laws:
Replication Data (.dta) Replication Code (.do)
Online Appendix, including the coding scheme used for content-analysing the laws.
Immigrant integration laws by country and region (original coded documents):
You can download all laws simultaneously via the following link:
Country | Region | Year | link to file | file type |
Germany | Baden-Württemberg | 2015 | DE_Baden-Wurttemberg_2015 | |
Germany | Bayern | 2016 | DE_Bayern_2016 | |
Germany | Berlin | 2010 | DE_Berlin_2010 | |
Germany | Nordrhein-Westfalen | 2012 | DE_NRW_2012 | |
Italy | Abruzzo | 2004 | ITA_Abruzzo_2004 | |
Italy | Basilicata | 1996 | ITA_Basilicata_1996 | |
Italy | Bolzano | 2011 | ITA_Bolzano_2011 | |
Italy | Campania | 2010 | ITA_Campania_2010 | |
Italy | Emilia Romagna | 2004 | ITA_Emilia Romagna_2004 | |
Italy | Friuli Venezia Giulia | 2015 | ITA_Friuli Venezia Giulia_2015 | |
Italy | Lazio | 2008 | ITA_Lazio_2008 | |
Italy | Liguria | 2007 | ITA_Liguria_2007 | |
Italy | Lombardia | 1988 | ITA_Lombardia_1988 | |
Italy | Marche | 2009 | ITA_Marche_2009 | |
Italy | Piemonte | 1989 | ITA_Piemonte_1989 | |
Italy | Puglia | 2009 | ITA_Puglia_2009 | |
Italy | Sardegna | 1990 | ITA_Sardegna_1990 | |
Italy | Toscana | 2009 | ITA_Toscana_2009 | |
Italy | Trento | 1990 | ITA_Trento_1990 | |
Italy | Umbria | 1990 | ITA_Umbria_1990 | |
Italy | Valle d’Aosta | 1995 | ITA_Valle d’Aosta_1995 | |
Italy | Veneto | 1990 | ITA_Veneto_1990 | |
Spain | Castilla y León | 2013 | ESP_Castilla_y_Leon_2013 | |
Spain | Catalunya | 2010 | ESP_Catalunya_2010 | |
Spain | Comunitat Valenciana | 2008 | ESP_Valencia_2008 |