2022. Ideational legacies and the politics of migration in European minority regions.
Oxford University Press.
You can download the intro and theory chapter here, and read my related blog post in “The Loop” here.
Book reviews:
Núria Franco-Guillén for Regional and Federal Studies
Jennie L. Schulze for Perspectives on Politics.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
2023. Lipset and Rokkan’s Missing Case: Introducing the Habsburg Manifesto Dataset, Party Politics, online first, open access at: DOI: 13540688231185671 (with Philip J. Howe and Edina Szöcsik). Data and Replication material.
2022. Nationalism, class, and status: How nationalists use policy offers and group appeals to attract a new electorate. Comparative Political Studies 55(5):832-868, open access (with Philip J. Howe and Edina Szöcsik). Replication material. Read our corresponding blog post ‘Capturing the pessimists’ in the EUROPP blog.
2021. Check your truth conditions! Clarifying the relationship between theories of causation and social science methods of causal inference. Sociological Methods and Research 50 (4): 1623–1659 (with Ingo Rohlfing). Accepted preprint. Replication material.
2021. Does decentralization turn minority parties into secessionists? Insights from Eastern and Western Europe. West European Politics 44 (4): 825-851 (with Edina Szöcsik). Accepted preprint. Online appendix. Replication material.
2020. Making regional citizens? The political drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies in Europe and North America. Regional Studies 54 (11): 1475-1485, open access (with Anita Manatschal and Verena Wisthaler). Read Verena’s corresponding blog post in ‘The Loop‘.
2020. Explaining the immigrant integration laws of German, Italian and Spanish regions: Sub-state nationalism and multi-level party politics. Regional Studies 54 (11): 1486-1497. Accepted preprint. Replication material.
2019. The Second Edition of the EPAC Expert Survey on Ethnonationalism in Party Competition. Testing for Validity and Reliability. Regional and Federal Studies 29 (1): 91-113 (with Edina Szöcsik). EPAC Data.
2017. Surpassing Simple Aggregation. Advanced Strategies for Analyzing Contextual-Level Outcomes in Multilevel Models. methods, data, analyses. Open access. DOI: 10.12758/mda.2017.05 (with Dominik Becker and Wiebke Breustedt).
2016. Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems, and Perspectives. The Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2): 162–182 (with Christian Blum).
2015. Position, Selective Emphasis and Framing: How parties deal with a second dimension in competition. Party Politics 21 (6): 839–850 (with Anwen Elias and Edina Szöcsik).
2015. Ethnic outbidding and nested competition. Explaining the extremism of ethnonational minority parties in Europe. European Journal of Political Research 54 (4): 784–801 (with Edina Szöcsik). Appendix. Data and replication code.
2015. Reserved Seats, Political Parties, and Minority Representation. Ethnopolitics 14 (4), 390-403.
2015. EPAC – a new dataset on ethnonationalism in party competition in 22 European democracies. Party Politics 21 (1), 153-160, (with Edina Szöcsik). Online appendix. EPAC Data.
2013. Beyond Outbidding? Ethnic Party Strategies in Serbia. Party Politics, 19 (5), 758-777.
2013. Representative Claims and expected Gains. Minority Council Elections and intra-ethnic Competition in Serbia. East European Politics, 29 (1), 52-68 (with Jan Jakub Mus).
2012. Ethnic Party Competition beyond the segmented Market. Nationalities Papers, 40 (6), 927-944.
2011. Understanding the Multinational Game: Toward a Theory of Asymmetrical Federalism. Comparative Political Studies, 44 (5), 546-571.
Book chapters
2017. Serbia and Montenegro. From Centralization to Secession and Multi-ethnic Regionalism, in Arjan Schakel (ed.): Regional and National Elections in Eastern Europe. Territoriality of the Vote in Ten Countries, pp. 207-238. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMilllan (with Jelena Dzankic). (For data, see Arjan Schakel’s website).
2016. Die politische Theorie des Neoinstitutionalismus: James March und Johan Olsen, in André Brodocz and Gary S. Schaal (eds.): Politische Theorien der Gegenwart II, 4. Auflage. Opladen/ Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich/UTB (with André Kaiser).
2013. Whose Mobilisation? An Ontological Primer on the Mobilisation of National Minorities, in Julien Danero, Nenad Stojanovic & Sharon Weinblum (eds.): New Nation States and National Minorities, 191-207. Colchester: ECPR Press.
Working papers / commentary / short pieces
Capturing the pessimists. How nationalists exploit status concerns in elections. EUROPP: European Politics and Policy Blog, LSE, March 10th, 2022 (with Phil Howe & Edina Szöcsik).
Is Federalism Conducive To Ethnic Outbidding?. 50 Shades of Federalism, 2021.
Taking Stock of the Explanatory Power of Ideas. EuropeNow, Council for European Studies, January 2020.
Comparing the politics behind the immigrant integration laws of Catalonia and South Tyrol. GRITIM-UPF Working Paper Series 22/Winter 2014.
Special Issues and editorials
2021. Thirty years of Regional and Federal Studies. Regional & Federal Studies 31 (1): 1-23, free access (with Imke Harbers, Michaël Tatham & Louise Tillin). Editorial to the journal’s 30th anniversary issue.
2020. Special Issue in Regional Studies: Making regional citizens? Drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies, Regional Studies 54 (11), co-edited with Anita Manatschal and Verena Wisthaler.
2015. Special Issue in Party Politics: Position, selective emphasis and framing: Party competition in multinational democracies, Party Politics 21 (6), co-edited with Anwen Elias and Edina Szöcsik.